With Power Apps, forms provide the user interface that people use to interact with the data they need to do their work. It's important that the forms people use are designed to allow them to find or enter the information they need efficiently.

In the default solution or an unmanaged solution, you can create new forms or edit existing forms for all tables that allow form customization. In an unmanaged solution, you can edit the managed properties for an unmanaged custom table that was created for the solution. If you’re viewing a managed solution, you can’t create new forms or edit existing forms for tables. However, if the managed properties for a table in the managed solution are set to allow customization, you can add or edit forms to that table.

Type of forms

There are different types of forms, and each type has a specific functionality or use. More information: Type of forms in Power Apps.

Main form dialogs

With the client API, you can use main form dialogs so users can open a related row table on a parent or base form without navigating away from the form. More information: Open main form in a dialog using client API

Updated versus classic tables

Power Apps provides many options for designing forms. With Unified Interface, most tables were updated to better suit the responsive interface. Updated tables as well as your own custom tables include support for the Dynamics 365 for tablets client, business process flows, and business rules. When you use these tables, you can design once and deploy to all clients.

There are still a number of tables, referred to here as classic tables, that retain the appearance and capabilities from earlier versions. These tables are used less often. They are listed here:

AddressArticleArticle CommentBulk Delete OperationConnection
DiscountDiscount ListDocument LocationEmail AttachmentFollow
GoalGoal MetricImport Source FileInvoice ProductOrder Product
Price ListQueue ItemQuote ProductRollup FieldRollup Query
Saved ViewServiceService ActivitySharePoint SiteSite
TerritoryUnitUnit Group

Create or edit a form

Create or edit forms for model-driven apps. More information: Create, edit, or configure forms using the form designer

Delete a form

To delete a form, sign in to Power Apps and the go to Solutions > Open the solution your want > select the table that you want > Forms tab. Select the form, and then select Delete on the command bar.

There are a couple reasons you may not be able to delete a form.

ReasonWork around
Every table requires at least one main form and it is the only main form for the table.Create a new main form for the table. Then delete the main form you tried earlier. More information: Create a form
Every table requires one designated fallback form and it is the only fallback form.Create a new form for the table and set as the fallback. Or designate another existing form as the fallback form. Then delete the form you tried earlier. More information: Set the fallback form for a table

Form display FAQ

Why is my form not visible in the form selector drop down in my app?

A form may not be available because it hasn’t been added to the app.

  1. Open the app in app designer.

  2. In the Table View area select Forms next to the table.

  3. On the Components tab verify the main forms that are included for the app. Verify that the form you want to display is checked. If not, select it, save, and then publish the app.

    Forms included with app

Why isn't my form displayed as the default form in the app?

A form can be set as the default form through the form order configuration or when a user sets the default form as a personalization setting.

  1. Open solution explorer. Expand the table that has the forms your want to order, and then select Forms.

  2. On the toolbar select Form Order > Main Form Set.

    Form Order toolbar command

  3. The form order is displayed. Select the form and use the up and down arrows to move the form within the form order. The form at the top of the list is the default form.

    Form order dialog

  4. Select OK to save the form order changes.

  5. On the form designer toolbar, select Publish to make the form order available in apps.

Form order user personalization setting

Notice that, when an app user changes the form selection in the form selector drop down of an app, that form becomes the default form for the user. This personalization overrides the default form specified for the table in the app.

User setting to change default form