As you know, QueryExpression is built as an Object Model. They support all the features of FetchXML except for grouping & aggregates.

FetchXML supports all the features of QueryExpression including grouping & aggregates. Queries here are built as XML statements.

LINQ queries are built using standard language similar to SQL, but internally it uses QueryExpression and hence it is limited to the features of QueryExppression

The QueryExpressionclass supports complex queries.

The QueryByAttribute class is a simple means to search for entities where attributes matches specified values.

When using LINQ, it returns IQueryable which is not a collection & hence we can’t do group-by or aggregate.

IQueryable queryDemo = from a in orgServiceContext.AccountSet

                                                              where a.Address1_City.Contains(“a”)

                   select a;


However, LINQ supports group by in following way.


Write a simple LINQ Query

var lnqQuery = from o in orgServiceContext.OpportunitySet

where o.EstimatedValue.Value >= 10000

select new


OpportunityTopic = o.Name,

PotentialCustomer = o.CustomerId,

Rating = o.OpportunityRatingCode



In another query pass your created query as a list. You can either do a ToList() or you can make your own List like List estList = new List() where Groups is your custom class with set & get.

Here, we are using ToList() & grouping the collection by Rating.


var lnqQuery2 = (from f in lnqQuery.ToList()


//Pass the lnqQuery as a list using ToList() & then group by


group f by f.Rating into queryGrp


let first = queryGrp.First()


//selecting only the first record of all grouped record

select new


Name = first.OpportunityTopic,


Rating = first.Rating.Value



Now if we want to retrieve all the records from the Query Group, then we can simply create a list of query Group using ToList() & iterate through it as shown in below example

var lnqQuery2 = (from f in lnqQuery.ToList()


//Pass the lnqQuery as a list using ToList() & then group by


group f by f.Rating into queryGrp


//Make a list of queryGrp using ToList()


select queryGrp.ToList());


//Create a DataTable


DataTable table = new DataTable();


//Add some columns








foreach (var e1 in lnqQuery2)



//iterate through each record grouped with rating


foreach (var e2 in e1)


//iterate through each individual record that belongs in a rating


DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();


dataRow[“Topic”] = e2.OpportunityTopic;


dataRow[“Cust”] = e2.PotentialCustomer.Name;

dataRow[“Rating”] = e2.Rating;





//here you have your list in your dataGridView


dataGridView1.DataSource = table;


Note- here we are just showing the rating value. You can get the rating by using FormattedValues[“opportunityratingcode”]