The Import tool within Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a great way to move data in and out of CRM. This tool is available for all users, provided they have the correct privileges assigned. These data import privileges are what we will be talking about today!

One way you can utilize the Import tool is to download Data Maps by navigating to Settings > Data Maps. The Data Maps will contain all of the fields for selected entities, allowing you to create new records in bulk.

You can also run a specific Advanced Find on any entity, export the results to Excel, and if you flag Make available for reimporting, you can update records quickly and easily.

To learn more about the Import tool within Dynamics CRM, check out The CRM Book Chapter – Import Wizard.

To begin, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Settings > Administration.


2. Select Security Roles.


3. Select the user whom you wish to edit the Security Role and navigate to the Core Records tab.


4. Verify privileges for:

  • Data Import*
  • Data Map*
  • Import Source File*
  • Web Wizard
  • Web Wizard Access Privilege
  • Wizard Page

Note: Start with the User Level and increase as required to gain the desired functionality.

*Data Import, Data Map, and Import Source File require at least user-level Delete privileges for desired functionality.