Follow the below step to create MVC project

  1. Create MVC Project.
  2. Choose internet application.
  3. after click ok you will see a set of folder created, but just leave it as it is.
  4. Click run to execute (F5) and you will see nice page without need you to code single line. Done!!

How to display “Hello world”

  1. Right click “Controllers” folder and choose “Add> Controllers”, and in the controller name key in “HelloWorldContoller”, and leave the rest as default.
  2. Go to HelloWorldController.cs, paste the following code
and then right click on the function “Index”, and choose add View.

3. In the View name, key in “Helloworld” and leave the rest as default. Click OK.

4. You will noticed “HelloWorld” folder has been created under Views folder. then go to Index.chtml in this folder and type these code

  1. Click ‘F5′, and you’re done!